Computing courses online

Many students choose to study computer science or information technology by distance education. It seems like a natural fit.
- ICT students are good at using computers, so studying online is easy from a technical viewpoint.
- Instructors are also comfortable with delivering courses using digital communication technologies.
Here we present the top rated (by students) online computer science degrees available in Australia.
As a future technology professional, most of your learning will be done on the job. But the value of computer science programs shouldn’t be underestimated. Studying for an online degree allows you to learn valuable concepts, problem solving techniques, and how to acquire new skills.
Studying IT is a safe career move even though it is impossible to predict what you might be doing in the future. While change in the computing industry is constant and rapid, there will always be demand for people who can adapt to and apply new technologies. Studying computer science gives you the foundation skills and habits to keep up with technological progress.
Computer science graduates may have jobs such as: applications developer, programmer, software engineer, systems analyst, multimedia developer, database administrator, and network manager.
A bachelor degree in computer science may be gained though the Science Faculty – students graduate with a Bachelor of Science qualification. But there are many other paths and degree titles.
The first year of a bachelor degree often allows students to combine computer studies with other disciplines, such as mathematics, business or accounting.
Undergraduate computer science and IT courses expose students to diverse aspects of how computers and information technologies are used. This is important since IT professionals benefit from a broad understanding of digital technologies. Many computing projects require integration of different fields.
The courses below have been selected on the basis of student ratings in the Australian Graduate Survey. These universities are the best in terms of satisfaction with computer science courses. Note that profiles are listed in alphabetical order.
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