Free Business Certification online

The process of getting yourself certified is very simple. All you have to do is buy the ExpertRating Business Analysis Course for $99.99. Log in to your ExpertRating account using your password. Go through the Business Analysis Courseware (which could take you from 1-4 weeks depending upon how hard you work) and take the certification exam at your convenience. You can take the exam within 1 year of buying the certification. The result of the exam appears as soon as it is completed, and your certificate is mailed immediately.
The ExpertRating Online Business Analysis Course includes the following learning aids:
24 x 7 access to the ExpertRating Online Business Analysis Course.
Chapter end self study quizzes / Review Questions to ensure that you are learning important aspects of every chapter.
In case you fail the exam, you can buy a retake for $10. ExpertRating Business Analysis Certified Professional courses can be accessed as soon as your payment is processed successfully and you can complete your Business Analyst Certification within one year of enrollment. This FAQ attempts to answer most questions related to ExpertRating Business Analysis Course. Scroll through the list and click on any question to view the answer. To know more about ExpertRating and its certifications, please visit the General FAQ page.
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