Free online Programs

Featured Courses
MIT OpenCourseWare has set a goal of publishing virtually all of MIT's courses, whether or not they fall inside the traditional academic departments.
Thus, in the interest of providing OCW users a view of MIT's entire curriculum, we now offer users access to a collection of "Special Program" or "SP" courses.
MIT is organized into five schools - Architecture and Planning, Engineering, Humanities, Arts, and Social Sciences, Management, and Science - and the Whitaker College of Health Sciences and Technology. Within these are 33 degree-granting departments, programs, and divisions.
In addition, a great deal of teaching and learning takes place in interdisciplinary programs, laboratories, and centers whose course work extends beyond traditional departmental boundaries. The MIT School of Humanities, Arts, and Social Sciences, for example, offers a number of undergraduate academic programs embracing several disciplines. In general, these programs are staffed collaboratively by faculty members from various departments and fields in the School of Humanities, Arts, and Social Sciences and, in some cases, from MIT's other four schools as well.
A number of fields in science, engineering, architecture, and the humanities, arts, and social sciences offer minor programs. These minors are cohesive programs providing significant experience in their disciplines.
Many students augment their scheduled classes with individually planned academic activities. These activities include undergraduate research, special projects, internships, fieldwork, and co-op programs, and MIT offers a variety of course numbers for these activities. MIT also offers undergraduate seminars, in both the fall and spring terms, giving undergraduates an opportunity to interact closely with faculty on topics of current interest.
Ocean Wave Interaction with Ships and Offshore Energy Systems (13.022)
Some Description |
Instructor(s) |
Prof. |
As Taught In |
Spring 2002 |
Course Number |
2.24 |
Level |
Undergraduate/Graduate |
Features |
Lecture Notes, Student Work |
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