Online free schools
Tuition-free colleges and universities are few and far between but they ARE available…you just need to know where to look! The list of schools below are not ranked in any particular order as they are specific to the needs of the students. For example, one caters to the musically-talented, one is designed for engineers and yet another is for those seeking a position in the religious field. One thing they all do have in common is they offer free (or very close to free) tuition to all students that meets certain criteria specific to each school. Tuition free colleges are available thanks to endowments, donations and the desires of the founders, themselves. It truly goes to show that if you work hard in high school, great opportunities are waiting for you in life!
University of the People is the first in the world to be an online, tuition-free university! The non-profit’s purpose is to provide an accredited choice for higher education for those otherwise not able to attend a brick and mortar school. UoPeople offers two Associate and Bachelor’s degree programs in Business Administration and Computer Science. Their accreditation is provided by the Distance Education and Training Council (DETC) since the first quarter of 2014. The university, located in Pasadena, California, provides a free tuition to hundreds around the world.
Students are responsible for paying a registration fee determined by income and country of residence, ranging from $10 to $50 and a $100 adminstration fee for each exam taken per student. An Associates degree requires 20 exams and 40 exams to obtain a Bachelor’s degree. If you can’t pay, scholarships are available to apply to pay for these costs.
Located in Pippa Passe, Kentucky, this liberal arts, Christian college guarantees free tuition to residents of Kentucky, Tennessee, Ohio, Virginia, West Virginia who may qualify.
The catch? All enrolled students must be employed through the student work program either on-campus or within the local community. Duties would include library assistants, maintenance positions and such for at least 10 hours a week in order to obtain the free tuition. Room and board can also be free if you work at least 15 hours a week with 500 plus jobs available to the students.
Alice Lloyd College is a four-year college, accredited by the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools, that offers 18 bachelor’s degree programs in science, art, medicine, law and more and several minors, such as social science and accounting. They also have implemented eight pre-professional programs. With an acceptance rate of only 18%, ALC has approximately 600 students with a 20:1 student/teacher ratio.
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