Cyber Security courses online free
We are very excited about the launch of 3 new free cyber security online training courses, funded by the National Cyber Security Programme.
Introduction to Cyber Security MOOC
Our new Introduction to Cyber Security Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) will begin its first run on 13 October. The free online course has been developed by the Open University in conjunction with BIS, GCHQ and the Cabinet Office. It will cover subjects such as network security, the threat landscape, cryptography, malware and how to manage security risks. The course is open to everyone – from young people considering study or a career in cyber security, to existing employees wanting to improve their knowledge and skills, or members of the public interested in staying safe online.
8 modules will be delivered over an 8 week period, with each module expected to take around 2 to 3 hours of study. The course will be run 4 times a year for 3 years, and has the potential to reach 200, 000 students in this time.
Thousands have already registered for the first run of the course, but the beauty of a MOOC is that there is no limit on the number of students taking the course. This means that there is still time to sign up. To register, or for more information .
Cyber Security Training for Lawyers and Accountants
Yesterday BIS launched a free online training course to help members of the legal and accountancy professions protect themselves and their clients from cyber- attacks. This will help UK businesses protect themselves from information breaches and other threats that could potentially cost them millions of pounds.
The course will increase awareness of common cyber risks and threats they may experience in the workplace and how to prevent and deal with them. It provides advice on how to safeguard digital information, raise awareness of cyber issues amongst clients and gives examples of how to deal with issues such as information breaches in the workplace. It has been developed by BIS in partnership with the Law Society; the Institute for Chartered Accountants in England and Wales (ICAEW) and Solicitor’s Regulatory Authority and can be accessed online via the Law Society website. The course takes around an hour to complete.
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