Free online learning courses with Certificates

PreparED Talks
PreparEd Talks is a series of free, online learning lectures that provide an introduction and analysis of ten current topics on emergency preparedness from both a public health and medical perspective. The talks were produced in collaboration with the University of Toledo. Learn more!
Ohio Policymaking Basics
This on-line self-study course consists of a single module that will introduce participants to the process, structure, actions, and decision-making bodies related to policy in Ohio. This module is designed as self-paced, interactive, independent learning and focuses on wellness and prevention issues. Learn More!
The Center for Public Health Practice in conjunction with the Northeastern Ohio Medical University is proud to present three short courses designed to enhance the professional skills of public health practitioners. Courses include Social Media in Public Health, Presentation Do's and Don'ts and Organizing at Work. Learn More!
CQI for Public Health: Tool Time
This on-line self-study course provides the most commonly used tools for continuous quality improvement (CQI) and is designed to accompany the CQI for Public Health: The Fundamentals course.This course was developed for public health agencies and their partners, although the principles, process and tools have been used in all kinds of organizations and can be used anywhere – even at home. Learn More!
PH 101: A Short Course
This on-line self-study course consists of seven “lecturettes, ” or short modules, that will introduce participants to the history, mission, achievements, structure, challenges and opportunities for Public Health in the United States and Ohio. This course is designed as self-paced, interactive, independent learning, including a variety of activities and opportunities to apply the learning to participants’ own work. Le arn More!
Introduction to Applied Financial Management in Public Health: Self - Study
This five module introductory-level course increases participants’ awareness of key financial management concepts for local public health agencies including, but not limited to: budgeting, auditing, financial analysis, and forecasting. The course is delivered in an online, self-study format and takes approximately three hours to complete. While some of the examples provided within the course are Ohio-specific, the concepts have broad application. Learn More!
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