Online classes Certification
Browse: > The Best Online Certified Nursing Assistant (CNA) Programs
Web-based training programs exist for Certified Nursing Assistants as well as other medical and medical support degrees and certificates. The best of these programs still require some clinical experience, because medical professions rely so heavily on interpersonal interaction, but much of the requisite knowledge and skill can be obtained through online courses.
It has been shown over and over that getting education increases lifetime employment and earnings, so whichever degree you choose to pursue, online or on campus, know that it is very likely to be a good financial choice. The U.S. Census Bureau measured the increase in salary at different degree levels, and the stark results they came up with are displayed in the chart below.
CNA Program Accreditation
Any CNA training program worth your time and money will be accredited. The Higher Learning Commission accredits many online schools with diverse programming, and there are also accreditors that specialize in vetting programs concentrating on nursing and nurse assisting. The Commission on Collegiate Nursing Education is an independent accrediting body, recognized by the U.S. Secretary of Education, which accredits nursing and nursing education programs. Since nurse aide certification does not require a college degree, the CCNE does not accredit nurse aide programs, but other nursing related information is available at their site.
The Online Component
The things you’ll learn in online CNA classes will largely be aimed at helping you pass the written portion of the certification exam. The test is multiple choice, comprising fifty questions that test both your knowledge and intuition about what to do in different situations that CNAs are likely to encounter in the line of duty. Some hypothetical situations you may be tested on include:
- A nursing home resident’s eating habits have changed in response to a personal loss, such as the death of a spouse. You are afraid that the resident may not be getting enough nutrition. What do you do?
- A resident becomes angry and violent in a public situation, such as the dining hall or other shared space in the facility. What do you do?
- What are the first things a nurse’s aide should do at the beginning of any shift?
- If a nurse’s aide hears an alarm from another room while giving a bedbath to a resident, what is the proper response?
The above scenarios are paraphrased from a CNA practice exam, and are actual examples of the type of knowledge you’ll learn in online CNA training, and be tested on when you try for certification. The test will also include a practical portion, in which you will be required to demonstrate three to five nurse assisting skills on the fly.