Internet courses online
Native American Studies Representatives Explore Collaboration through WICHE ICE
Faculty and administrators from Native American Studies (NAS) programs at institutions in five WICHE states (ID, MT, NM, OR, WY) met in Boulder, October 17-18, to discuss ways they could use WICHE ICE to make more online courses in NAS content areas available to their students. The group explored interests in sharing extra capacity in existing online courses as well as collaborating in the development of future certificates and concentrations to be offered online. Ongoing discussions are planned and other institutions with NAS programs are invited to join in. Contact Pat Shea, ICE Director, for more information.
Pictured from left to right: Jeff Sanders, Montana State University-Billings; Arthur Taylor, University of Idaho; Miriam Chaiken, New Mexico State University; Janine Hansen, Montana State University; Tim Rush, University of Wyoming; Kristin Ruppel, Montana State University; Robert Elliott, University of Oregon. Not pictured: Scott Seville, University of Wyoming; Christi Boggs, University of Wyoming; Pat Shea, WICHE
The Time Is Right for the Internet Course Exchange
With the economic downturn pushing academic leaders to find new ways to provide high quality courses and programs with shrinking budgets, WICHE’s Internet Course Exchange (ICE) stands at the ready to provide cost-effective and innovative solutions. Read more about how WICHE ICE provides solutions to shrinking budgets in the whitepaper The Time is Right for the Internet Course Exchange.
Use ICE to work with your colleagues at other institutions
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