Learn some new skills and techniques online through a first class video provider. In fact we found helpful tips on writing for this blog that way. by Romany Manuell. 
If you listen to a lot of podcasts (I'm a huge fan of This American Life and Serial) you probably will have heard the ads for Lynda.com, a training provider offering online education via video since 2002. But did you know that you can access Lynda.com for free by signing up through the Monash University Library? Lynda.com offers beautifully produced
training videos on all kinds of topics. Want to learn how to use InDesign or Photoshop? Lynda.com can help out. Need to keep up to date with the latest classroom technologies? Lynda.com can help you there, too. Each set of videos comes complete with a detailed table of contents, so you can quickly navigate to the information you need. Never again will you be stuck looking for a needle in the YouTube haystack!
Source: librarymonash.blogspot.com