Online Meeting Space

Being able to customize your online meeting space gives your meeting attendees a unique way to identify with you and your company, and ensures them they’ve “made it to the right place”. Clients and customers will feel a deeper connection with your organization through the personalization, instead of logging into a plain, dull corporate meeting room.

Through unique URLs, bio descriptions, photos and more, you can easily create an online meeting space that assures a more personal environment and engaging experience for your customers and clients.

URL: Creating a custom, persistent URL for your online meeting space is both helpful for you, the host, and for your meeting participants. Hosting a meeting to showcase a product to a prospect or working with colleagues on a project? Customize your URL with the company name, product or project name before sending the link in your meeting invitation.

This will assure your participants they’re entering the right meeting. It also keeps things simple for you, as you can quickly launch a meeting and have attendees join via a simple URL—ideal for those spur of the moment meetings.

Background: With PGi’s iMeet®, there are a host of preloaded animated backgrounds or themes that you can chose before your online meeting starts. From cities to landscapes, these animated backgrounds allow you to tell a story about yourself and your personality without ever saying a word.

Some meeting tools even offer full branding and customization, allowing you to put your brand forward as part of every online meeting you host. You can customize a theme according to your corporate design or create a background with your prospect or client’s logo, giving your meeting a competitive advantage.

Bio: Filling out your bio is a great way to let your participants know a little bit about you, and can even serve as an icebreaker before your meeting starts. In your bio description, consider highlighting your hobbies, passions, where you grew up or even a motto you live by. Bio descriptions are a way to give some insight to your personal life, spark a conversation and put participants at ease before your meeting begins.

Photo: Finally, having a photo of yourself gives participants the opportunity to put a face with a name. Depending on who you are meeting with, this photo could be a professional headshot, a picture of you and your family or even your favorite team’s sports logo.

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What is the solution of not meeting commitments?

You have described a rather general type of problem. If you are not meeting your commitments, then broadly speaking, there are two types of solutions. Maybe you should make fewer commitments, or maybe you should try harder to meet the commitments that you make (or both).

Who offer the best online event meeting solutions? | Yahoo Answers

Using the, you can setup your event website in less than an hour. They have a lot tools that you could use and it very easy to configure.
I know they help setup all the event/ opportunity meeting website for Herbalife distributors.

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