Computing Training courses
As you know, in our mission is to provide the best learning solution in the market about Cloud Computing. That means building learning products and produce great content for our members, for several technologies and platforms. We launched our 2 months ago and we already had thousands of people watching them; in this article I’ll update you about new courses now available and new ones that are coming in the very next weeks.
Amazon Web Services online training courses
We now have a batch of introductory courses that we’ll help you discover how AWS works and how you can start using it for your application or website. Most of the courses are very focused on the theory, on why AWS is so popular and famous: in our courses and training videos you will find a mix of practice and theory and a precise goal for everyone. In the Amazon EC2 course, for example, you will end up launching a real Hello World page that you’ll reach from your browser.
Here’s a list of our AWS Courses. All of them are now accessible for free in and you can share them or rewatch without limits.
This is the first course you should watch if you never hear of AWS. It will introduce you to the basic concepts of AWS and how you can start using it in a few minutes. During this course you will also learn how to install the AWS’s CLI (Command Line Interface) on your PC to start using Amazon Web Services from your command line.
Ec2 is the most famous service of AWS suite and the one you will use for sure if you need to move a web application or a website in the cloud. In this simple course we teach you what are the basic concepts of EC2 and how you can start using it literally in a few minutes: at the end of this course you will have your cloud instance up and running in your account and you’ll be ready to move to the next course of Amazon Web Services.
Amazon EBS is the most famous storage solution offered by AWS. Once you started using EC2 to run your cloud instances you will find out that EBS is the best service available to keep your data stored in the cloud and attached to a cloud instance. Amazon EBS volumes are highly available and reliable storage volumes that can be attached to any running instance that is in the same Availability Zone.
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