Leadership online Training

Marriott virtual leadership trainingEffective leadership training initiatives are critical for organizational performance. Research indicates that organizations utilize a variety of content and delivery methods for such initiatives with varying success. With estimates of domestic organizational leadership training spending exceeding $2 billion annually, maximizing organizational return on investment is an increasingly critical objective.

By utilizing ON24 virtual environments in leadership training, organizations can address this goal by reducing costs and increasing training consistency. With the ON24 Virtual Learning Environment, you can provide your current and future leaders with 24/7 access to the training classes, tools and resources they need to develop their leadership skills.

Engaging, Blended Training Experience

Meets Your Global RequirementsEffective leadership training requires an engaging, interactive strategy that combines instructor-led training, collaborative learning and skills training. With an ON24 Virtual Learning Environment, companies can offer their leader audience an engaging virtual learning experience with interactive locations, webcasts, social networking, collaborative discussion, idea storming, blogs, and more.

Meets Your Global Requirements

The ON24 Virtual Learning Environment gives you the ability to develop the careers of your employees, no matter where they are in the world. Virtual leadership training solutions from ON24 are particularly well suited for global companies that want to provide consistent delivery of the company’s values, leadership training, and expectations, while facilitating the networking and collaboration of a workforce widely dispersed over numerous countries and continents.

Leverages Social Media & Networking

Some organizations develop their own social networking sites; others integrate popular social media tools into their onboarding strategies. ON24’s virtual leadership training solutions can provide social media capabilities for new leaders and all members of the work community surrounding them. Particularly important for millennial leaders, social media is at the heart of their world. It allows them to connect with coworkers and friends globally at great speed.

Engaging, Blended Training Experience Leverages Social Media & Networking Access to Coaches and Mentors Virtual Leadership Development Benefits

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Many colleges offer online classes in today's busy world. Before enrolling in any school, make sure you do research on the school. Many colleges that advertise on television are not accredited. Many employers do not consider schools that advertise on television (particularly during game shows and soap operas) to be real schools.

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The "right" program will depend on your objectives and audience. Is this for building team effectiveness? For developing the capacity and leadership competence of your senior team? For "grooming" your emerging leaders? If you provide a little  more info, I'll give you some on-target ideas of programs that may meet your needs.

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